Detroit International Institute


This project is one of the ASB program of the School of Information , University of Michigan. Two other students and I helped the Internation Institute of Detroit to redo their website. Their website was built in a 2008 Drupal system, which makes it difficult for them to update web content and insert multi-media resources. So the chanllenge is to built a website under a time limit of one week and migrating all the web content to the new ones. We are able to deliver a well-designer, full functional website at the end of the program.

I served as the web developer in this project. At first i choose to apply the MVC model to develop the website since they need to store some data and the amount of webpages is huge. But after we talked to the customer, we found out that they don't have any technical support to maintain the website,yet they want to update the content of the website occasionally by themselves. To overcome this diffculty, we decide to build the website in Wordpress, this content management system is easy to use and could be used to updated the web content for those who have limited technical skills.


Web Developer



